University of South CarolinaUniversity of South Carolina


EPI's Writing and Grammar Curriculum reflects the flexibility given to EPI teachers to use their own style and methods in the classroom, while still aiming at some basic common objectives.

The following general principles guide the determination of the objectives for each level:
  • Writing instruction (at any level) should involve teaching both process and form; thus, students should aim to achieve both fluency and accuracy.
  • As students move toward higher levels, they should focus more on writing, with less class time spent on formal grammar study.
  • As students move toward higher levels, they should write more about academic, abstract topics and less about personal topics.
  • Review should be built into each level.
  • Students should be given the opportunity to practice in a variety of genres.
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I think some aspects of writing can be taught.
Obviously, you can´t teach vision or talent.
But you can help with comfort.
Toni Morrison